Top Ten Naked Male Scenes of 2014

Top Ten Naked Male Celebrity Scenes of 2014


Matt Bomer and Mark Ruffalo gay scene in 'The Normal Heart'

#10)  Matt Bomer and Mark Ruffalo gay scene in ‘The Normal Heart’


Daniel Radcliffe Naked Gay Scene

#9)  Daniel Radcliffe naked gay sex scene in ‘Kill Your Darlings’

Ryan Phillipe Gay Nude

#8)  Ryan Phillippe in ‘Catch Hell’

Actor Sean Biggerstaff Penis

#7)  Sean Biggerstaff shows his penis in ‘Mary Queen of Scots’


Hugh Jackman new nude

#6)  Hugh Jackman naked in ‘X-Men Days of Future Past’

Omari Hardwick Nude in Power

Top Ten Naked Male Scenes of 2014

#5)  Omari Hardwick Nude in ‘Power’

Charlie Hunnam Naked on SOA

#4)  Charlie Hunnam Naked on ‘Sons of Anarchy’

Max Carver Nude on The Leftovers

#3)  Max Carver Naked on ‘The Leftovers’


Josh Hartnett nude penny dreadful

#2)  Josh Hartnett Nude on ‘Penny Dreadful’

#1)  Ben Affleck Nude in ‘Gone Girl’ – ** Removed Due to Legal Request**


We’ve seen some Top Ten Naked Male Celebrity Scenes of 2014 lists floating around and decided to make our own.  These were our favorite naked male movie scenes from the last year.  It’s really incredible how much skin we get to see these days from our favorite actors.

More Fully Naked Male Celebrities Here

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