Sean Bean Naked Scene

Sean Bean Naked Scene


This naked movie scene featuring Sean Bean comes from the movie ‘Lady Chatterley’.  They showed both his butt and his penis very clearly, making this one of the better male nude scenes.  We were reminded of how much we like him on ‘Game of Thrones’.  Sean Bean also starred in ‘The Lord of the Rings’.

Big Brother’s Brendon Villegas’s Penis

Brendon Villegas of Big Brother 12

Brendon Villegas, star of reality show Big Brother 12 and part of power couple Brenchel with now ex-girlfriend Rachel Reilly, apparently was having a cyber sex relationship with a chick on Skype and sent her pics of his penis. The girl promptly put them on the web for all to see, and Rachel dumped him. Judging by the pics, he may have a gay porn star future like other past Big Brother houseguests!