Jeff Bridges Exposed

Jeff Bridges Shirtless

Major Bulge

Jeff Bridges has starred in quite a few of our favorite movies, including his recent role in ‘Crazy Heart’.  He won an Academy Award for his stellar acting.  These pics came from an old movie ‘Winter Kills’, but the caps were taken in High-Def.  We’ll have to check our archives, but we don’t remember Jeff Bridges getting nude in any other movies.

Jason Wiles Shirtless And Bulge

Last week the pilot episode of ‘Persons Unknown’ aired and we got to see Jason Wiles exposed.  He stripped down and gave us a lot more than we bargained for…Look at that bulge!  We suggest tuning in this Monday for the first episode, should be a great show and maybe we’ll see some more male celebrity skin.

Gordon Ramsay Shirtless And Bulge


Chances are, you’ve seen Gordon Ramsay on the show ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ or one of his Food Network shows.  Unfortunately, most of the time he’s completely covered in his chef’s uniform.  The paparazzi were able to sneak a shirtless photo of Gordon and also reveal his massive bulge.